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YOUR Trusted Memorialist
in Indiana

Indian Monument Builders

Memorialization is the Art of Telling the Story of our Loved Ones.

When you purchase a memorial from an Indiana Monument Builders Association member, you can be assured of a trusted memorial professional.
Members of IMBA are professionals who are committed to their art. The majority of members are second and third generation memorialists who have methodically learned the exact art of stone carving from their parents and grandparents.

Indiana Monument Builders Association provides members with information and educational seminars for their members.
Indiana Monument Builders Association members have a collective voice in the industry. The IMBA provides the resources and opportunities to help profesional memorialists operate their business more efficiently and productively.
Increased efficiency and productivity keeps costs down.

The members of the Indiana Monument Builders Association have seen many changes over the years.
The goal of the IMBA has never ventured far from the purpose, at its inception. The IMBA is there for both, the professional independent memorialists of Indiana, and the public that they serve. The IMBA continues to serve their members for the betterment and safeguarding of the consumer.

To find a qualified memorialist to serve you, click the  FIND A MEMBER MEMORIALIST FOR YOUR AREA button.

Frequently asked Questions:

The cemetery sells memorials, do I have to buy from them?  You should know that you and your family ARE NOT obligated to purchase a monument from a funeral home or a cemetery. Buying a memorial should not be rushed into. In fact, a good argument can be made to delay the purchase of a memorial, the only visual and lasting tribute to your loved one in the cemetery, until other matters are complete.

How much is a memorial?  Memorial prices vary by style, size, color and finish. You should contact your local Monument dealer, give him the name of the cemetery, with lot and section. He has information on what your cemetery will allow and what is required, for that section. This information will help him give you an estimate and what is included in that price. A good rule of thumb is to budget a memorial cost, at least equal to that of the funeral service. Remember that this memorial, is the only visual and lasting tribute to your loved one, in the cemetery.
What other costs are there to put a memorial in the cemetery?  Local sales taxes will apply. The cost of a foundation, that cemeteries require to set the memorial on.